wating for zhongyun to sms me to tell me the time to meet her. guess she woke up late today ><
going to ntu open house later ^^ yep.
jus came back from christine's house not long ago... sengkang... so far right
her dog is super cute! hahah yepyep^^
em.. the girl's outing is quite okay... jus eat and eat and watch tv and play with the dog(duh...)
anywaes, holidays is coming... haiz... nj really *****
firstly, the school was supposed to give us a half day due to the road run which is on a saturday... and plus our seniors did well in their As, the school is supposed to give us one whole day og holiday... but now... its like wth?!?!?!?!? our half day will be on our late day (thursday) and instead of ending early, we start later... dotz.... wads the diff now? we have got to reach school at 11.... crazy school.... thursday still have chem lessons...
talking about chem.... ms sim is realli *toot*
on thursday.... she took up our one hour break in the morning for extra chem tut but she was late for half and hour.... (Where's The Flower) and so we onli had one half and hour break at 1 pm... she is crazy.. and kaywee. whom i think realli idolises her is erm.....
this shows how *toot* our class is.... straight As... so wad?
are their life a success or a failure?
school sux!
so much holiday homework! crazy miss sim! want us to hand in so much stuff so early... for wad?
haiz... that new econs teacher also.... *TOOT*
dunno wad he is doing.... spent half an hour today checking if we did our essay plan.... dotzzzz
stupid school lah....
miss lee is like our ct but she doesnt teach us any subject... we always get the lousy lousy teachers.... wth...
ppl still wanna come nj? nah.....
can go rj go rj... can go hc go hc... if cannot, go vj... too far? go ac... ac is improving very fast anywaes...