*[[ I'm a Chocoholic xxpp ... ]]*
Sunday, August 24, 2008

One day a farmer's horse fell into the well. The animal cried priteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided that the animal waa too old and the well needed to be covered anyway. It just wasn't worth the effort to retrieve the horse. He got all his neighbours to come over to help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shove dirt into the well.

At first, the horse realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovels loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the horse would shake it off and take a step up the well. Everyone was amazed as the horse finally stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds off dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up.
She ate a chocolate at...
|10:11 PM|

watching olympics now..... yupyups... doin econs va too
todae quite slack.... ahh.... though there's cons va lah... but after the research part its okie lerx. yupsyups

quite wu liao so went to that netball website... wow... acjc lost to rjc by ONE point only... those ac ppl are realli very good... i guess.. some of them form nanhua... yupyup.. and for one category... i saw nanhua!!! getting 4th.. yep. =) not bad. though i think the last batch seems to be better.

i shall finish my econs va todae!!!
cuz tmr will be a pw day....... yeah... pw.....
She ate a chocolate at...
|12:05 AM|

*[[ %M3!% ]]*

*[[ 16++ ]]*
*[[ 051191 ]]*
*[[ ScoRpIo ]]*
*[[ ShEeP ]]*
*[[ Kranji Primary :) Nan Hua High... ]]*

*[[ %WishLisT% ]]*

*[[ HIM <<33 ]]*
*[[ HER..SHEYS ]]*
*[[ stay in NJC ]]*
*[[ have FUN! ]]*
*[[ go to ZOO!!! & night safari ]]*
*[[ Finish ALL my HOMEWORK on time!!! ]]*
*[[ go on diet ]]*
*[[ new sling bag ]]*
*[[ new Clothes!]]*

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*[[ NHHS GuZh3nG! ]]*
*[[ XiaoWei ]]*
*[[ valerie ]]*
*[[ serene ]]*
*[[ Rosselini ]]*
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*[[ njc 08s08!!! ]]*
>*[[ Tiffany ]]*<
>*[[ Tan Min ]]*<
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*[[ %Credits% ]]*

Designer:Lee Yik Heng

*[[ %Nursing Song% ]]*

Vampire Knight Music Playlist

Counter Stats

Myspace Layouts

*[[ %Achieves% ]]*
5/20/07 - 5/27/07 6/3/07 - 6/10/07 6/10/07 - 6/17/07 6/17/07 - 6/24/07 6/24/07 - 7/1/07 7/1/07 - 7/8/07 7/8/07 - 7/15/07 7/22/07 - 7/29/07 7/29/07 - 8/5/07 8/5/07 - 8/12/07 8/19/07 - 8/26/07 9/2/07 - 9/9/07 9/23/07 - 9/30/07 11/4/07 - 11/11/07 11/18/07 - 11/25/07 11/25/07 - 12/2/07 12/9/07 - 12/16/07 12/16/07 - 12/23/07 12/30/07 - 1/6/08 1/13/08 - 1/20/08 1/20/08 - 1/27/08 1/27/08 - 2/3/08 2/3/08 - 2/10/08 2/10/08 - 2/17/08 2/17/08 - 2/24/08 2/24/08 - 3/2/08 3/2/08 - 3/9/08 3/9/08 - 3/16/08 3/16/08 - 3/23/08 3/23/08 - 3/30/08 3/30/08 - 4/6/08 4/6/08 - 4/13/08 4/13/08 - 4/20/08 4/20/08 - 4/27/08 4/27/08 - 5/4/08 5/4/08 - 5/11/08 5/11/08 - 5/18/08 5/18/08 - 5/25/08 5/25/08 - 6/1/08 6/8/08 - 6/15/08 6/15/08 - 6/22/08 6/29/08 - 7/6/08 7/6/08 - 7/13/08 7/13/08 - 7/20/08 7/20/08 - 7/27/08 8/3/08 - 8/10/08 8/10/08 - 8/17/08 8/17/08 - 8/24/08 8/24/08 - 8/31/08 8/31/08 - 9/7/08 10/5/08 - 10/12/08 10/12/08 - 10/19/08 10/26/08 - 11/2/08 11/2/08 - 11/9/08 11/16/08 - 11/23/08 11/23/08 - 11/30/08 12/7/08 - 12/14/08 12/14/08 - 12/21/08 12/28/08 - 1/4/09 1/11/09 - 1/18/09 1/18/09 - 1/25/09 2/8/09 - 2/15/09 2/15/09 - 2/22/09 3/8/09 - 3/15/09 3/15/09 - 3/22/09 4/19/09 - 4/26/09 5/10/09 - 5/17/09 6/28/09 - 7/5/09 7/5/09 - 7/12/09