finallly touching the com again... haha so shuang... but in those kind of place for sttudying... the library...
sitting down on the floor... so shu fu... haha.. finally blogging again..... so happy xp
got alot of things want to post...
this is my dad's cake!!!!! veriveri nice... reeally...
hazelnut indulgence..yummy...
thank you dajieda for the card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see... mor than half of it is gone in a few seconds... haha... yummy....
its from prima... yup...they have nice cakes....
tolls for eating cakes...
toking about cakes suddenly thought of the wedding cake rush thing... so lame... so slow... went to dajieda house to play one... during prelims Xp
first thing...1.i lOVE studying....2. i HATE exams....
second... prelims is totally @%*@#*^!*^@&&@*!&#%$%^
prelims is veri bad........ ya... bad... totally... i screwed it all up!!!!
ss is ok... emaths is ok...amaths is OMG>>>> my heart is broken when i saw the similar question in the tys....haiz... dajieda la... never ask me to do tys... keep asking me to do papers (hahahahaha)
physics is also not as easy as wad mr chow said.... and hor there will be NONONONONONO moderation!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my first question already die liao lor... never really go study the ray diagram.... but hor... credits will go to DAJIEDA!!!!!!!!!!! i love her man... haha... the magnetic field thing... she was still testing me for the defination and it came out during exam... same for a maths too.. haha... veryvery lucky.... credit goes to the gal sitting next to us that time too..
but the kileer paper is bio... sadistic... totally... ask anyone... anyone will curse and swear=... haha...
but the chem paper is ok... not as difficult as wad mr liu said... the teachers gt some problem identifying wad is easy wad is difficult i think... haha
after prelims...
we went vivo.... yup... went vivo despite the drowsiness due to my nose....
this is christina aka vanessa liew... hahahahaha... we went to watch Hairspray...zac effron is so shuai4... veri...
his green eyes can fa4 electricity... wow.... so shuai... but i m not very crazy over him la... gina and christina is the craziest... the whole cinema is filled with only their voices... once zac effron appear they will go crazy... haha... gina and her aurelius effron.... hahahahaha...
me at burger king now IMM de.... haha... veri crowded.. feel so weird cuz alot of ppl walking behind me...
but i am behind a big poster so never mind... eating fries... making myself fat fat fat fat!!!!!!! argh.......................
i wanna go on diet................................................................
burger king de fries not bad... not as oily as mac de....