*[[ I'm a Chocoholic xxpp ... ]]*
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


todae is the last day of school. yeah...
not a vv happy day though. got back allll the promos results at one go is not fun at all... u dunno whether to feel happy or sad.... hmmm.. more like a mixture...
firstly, i got vvvvvvv lousy for physics!!!
ironic..... physics used to be one of my better subject..... now ar....zzzz...T.T
on the contrary, my chem got better than my phy.... never b4 in history seriously.... T.T
wad done cannot be undone
shall go for the retest........ and the remedials.... i need them seriously...

haiz........ my results sux like shit.... T.T
y is nj likedat...... hmmm or rather, y is the class so crazy?!?!


theres sth wrong with audition todae....zzzzz

went to ate new york jus now... yummy... the pasta sauce is damn nice.....
She ate a chocolate at...
|9:19 PM|

*[[ %M3!% ]]*

*[[ 16++ ]]*
*[[ 051191 ]]*
*[[ ScoRpIo ]]*
*[[ ShEeP ]]*
*[[ Kranji Primary :) Nan Hua High... ]]*

*[[ %WishLisT% ]]*

*[[ HIM <<33 ]]*
*[[ HER..SHEYS ]]*
*[[ stay in NJC ]]*
*[[ have FUN! ]]*
*[[ go to ZOO!!! & night safari ]]*
*[[ Finish ALL my HOMEWORK on time!!! ]]*
*[[ go on diet ]]*
*[[ new sling bag ]]*
*[[ new Clothes!]]*

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*[[ Kah Swee a.k.a CRAB! ]]*
*[[ Xtina a.k.a ANG KIM POW!!!! ]]*
*[[ NHHS GuZh3nG! ]]*
*[[ XiaoWei ]]*
*[[ valerie ]]*
*[[ serene ]]*
*[[ Rosselini ]]*
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*[[ njc 08s08!!! ]]*
>*[[ Tiffany ]]*<
>*[[ Tan Min ]]*<
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*[[ %Credits% ]]*

Designer:Lee Yik Heng

*[[ %Nursing Song% ]]*

Vampire Knight Music Playlist

Counter Stats

Myspace Layouts

*[[ %Achieves% ]]*
5/20/07 - 5/27/07 6/3/07 - 6/10/07 6/10/07 - 6/17/07 6/17/07 - 6/24/07 6/24/07 - 7/1/07 7/1/07 - 7/8/07 7/8/07 - 7/15/07 7/22/07 - 7/29/07 7/29/07 - 8/5/07 8/5/07 - 8/12/07 8/19/07 - 8/26/07 9/2/07 - 9/9/07 9/23/07 - 9/30/07 11/4/07 - 11/11/07 11/18/07 - 11/25/07 11/25/07 - 12/2/07 12/9/07 - 12/16/07 12/16/07 - 12/23/07 12/30/07 - 1/6/08 1/13/08 - 1/20/08 1/20/08 - 1/27/08 1/27/08 - 2/3/08 2/3/08 - 2/10/08 2/10/08 - 2/17/08 2/17/08 - 2/24/08 2/24/08 - 3/2/08 3/2/08 - 3/9/08 3/9/08 - 3/16/08 3/16/08 - 3/23/08 3/23/08 - 3/30/08 3/30/08 - 4/6/08 4/6/08 - 4/13/08 4/13/08 - 4/20/08 4/20/08 - 4/27/08 4/27/08 - 5/4/08 5/4/08 - 5/11/08 5/11/08 - 5/18/08 5/18/08 - 5/25/08 5/25/08 - 6/1/08 6/8/08 - 6/15/08 6/15/08 - 6/22/08 6/29/08 - 7/6/08 7/6/08 - 7/13/08 7/13/08 - 7/20/08 7/20/08 - 7/27/08 8/3/08 - 8/10/08 8/10/08 - 8/17/08 8/17/08 - 8/24/08 8/24/08 - 8/31/08 8/31/08 - 9/7/08 10/5/08 - 10/12/08 10/12/08 - 10/19/08 10/26/08 - 11/2/08 11/2/08 - 11/9/08 11/16/08 - 11/23/08 11/23/08 - 11/30/08 12/7/08 - 12/14/08 12/14/08 - 12/21/08 12/28/08 - 1/4/09 1/11/09 - 1/18/09 1/18/09 - 1/25/09 2/8/09 - 2/15/09 2/15/09 - 2/22/09 3/8/09 - 3/15/09 3/15/09 - 3/22/09 4/19/09 - 4/26/09 5/10/09 - 5/17/09 6/28/09 - 7/5/09 7/5/09 - 7/12/09